Toner Law Office Juvenile Delinquency
1216 SW Adams Street
Peoria, IL 61602
The Toner Law Office has successfully represented children and young adults charged with a crime in juvenile and adult courts in Illinois. Hugh F. Toner, III, respresents individuals accused of a crime in Federal and State courts.
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If your child is in trouble with the law and you are not sure what to do – call Hugh!
The Toner Law Office offers a candid and confidential intitial consultation free of charge.
Peoria Juvenile Delinquency Defense Attorney
Illinois Misdemeanor and Felony Criminal Defense Lawyer
A delinquent is a person under seventeen (17) years of age who is alleged to have committed a misdemeanor or felony crime.
A juvenile may be placed in juvenile detention for many reasons including “light offenses” such as truancy (multiple absences from school). In Illinois, juvenile cases are litigated before a judge (not a jury). It is the juvenile court's responsibility to hear these cases and take measures to correct the delinquency. It’s important to realize, however, that some juvenile cases are sent to adult court when the juvenile court relinquishes its jurisdiction. These juvenile cases are usually more serious in nature, such as when a violent crime, drug crime, underage drinking, or weapons related offense occurs. The decision to try these types of juvenile cases in adult court is up to the state prosecutor.
Whatever the charge may be against your child, the goal at the Toner Law Office in Peoria, IL, is to keep your child's record as clean as possible, so they can move on with their lives (having learned from their unfortunate experience) without long term adverse affects. Keeping children out of the criminal justice system, even when they make mistakes, is important for normal personality development. Hugh Toner, founder of the Toner Law Office and former First Assistant State Attorney, has for over twenty years used various creative legal strategies to effectively keep juvenile cases in juvenile court (vs. having the child tried as an adult), and counter prosecution attempts to put your child in a juvenile detention center, or jail.
Hugh knows the special rules that can apply to your child’s situation and how to build a compelling and effective defense for children facing juvenile delinquency charges. He has represented children charged with many types of juvenile offenses, including property crimes, shoplifting, credit card fraud, and drug possession. He also represents children charged with the most serious crimes including sex offenses and murder.
Attorney Hugh Toner cares about every child's well-being. He believes your child, no matter how serious the alleged crime, deserves the best possible defense. A conviction, even as a juvenile, can have devastating long term consequences:
- If your child is convicted of a sex crime they can be forced to register as a sex offender for years beyond their “juvenile years.”
- The first conviction on a drug charge can make your child ineligible for government student aid, loans, and grants for one year.
- A criminal record can also limit your child's future career choices.
If your child is in trouble with the law and you are not sure what to do – call Hugh!
Hugh Toner believes your child, no matter how serious the alleged crime, deserves the best possible criminal defense.
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